Recovery of Freon Easy From a Car Ac

Disclaimer: If you are not a professional, we do not recommend you attempt these activities by yourself. Freon can be dangerous. We recommend you take your vehicle to a professional to ensure your safety and that the repairs are done correctly.

We are going to look at how to remove your freon from your vehicle without using a recovery machine. This is something that people have been doing for quite some time. The recovery machine is something that is newer. This means that if you have never heard of it and you do it an unusual way, you do not have to worry.

Why Remove Refrigerant from a Vehicle?

You may be wondering why you would need to remove freon from your vehicle. This is something that many people will ask. There are many reasons in which someone would remove freon from a vehicle.

Use Caution

It is important that you take your safety into consideration when you are doing this procedure. Freon or refrigerant will be harmful. If you are breathing this in through the air, it could cause issues breathing. If the freon encounters any part of your skin, it is going to be very painful.

Therefore, you should always wear proper clothing, safety glasses, and gloves.

In this case, it might even be wise to have goggles on hand. Please be prepared before you start the process to ensure that you are safe. We always recommend having a professional do this for you if you're not experienced with freon or refrigerants.

Removing Refrigerant from Your Car's Air Conditioning

When you decide to do this, you need to make sure that you know one thing. You need to know if the refrigerant in your vehicle is pure or not pure. This is going to need to be done to assure that it can be reused or if you will need to dispose of it.

You can purchase a purity detector to determine the purity of the refrigerant. You need to make sure you have a container for the refrigerant to go into. Keep in mind that it is illegal in all states to allow freon into the air. There is a federal law that has been passed.

When you determine how pure your refrigerant is, you can go on to the next step. You will now start the process of removing it from the vehicle. The only thing you will need for this process is the container discussed right above, a hex key, and a wrench.

Wait no further; let us talk about how you can remove freon from your vehicle.

Step One

You will want to make sure that the thermostat inside the car is in the off position. You will want to ensure that both heat and air conditioning are off. The entire cooling and heating system should be turned into the off position before you begin doing step two.

This is essential that you do this before moving one. If you do not do this, it could make the process much harder and more dangerous.

Step Two

You will then want to find the side of the air conditioning compressor that is the suction side. You will also need to find the lower pressure side with the freon as well. It is important to note that you will find the suction side on the unit itself. It will generally be found on the condensing unit.

Once you find each side, you will want to connect the low-pressure to the suction. You will want to ensure that these are hooked together.

Step Three

You get to find that wrench and make sure that the valve on the low-pressure end of the unit is closed. If you find that it is too hard to move with a wrench, you can use the hex key that we stated you might need.

Now you will need to ensure that the service valve on the high-pressure end is closed a little more as well. You want to ensure that it is not tightly closed. You do want it a little bit open.

Step Four

You are now ready to get to your compressor. You can now get a lower voltage jumper. You want to involve it in the process. You will then notice that the low-pressure will empty. This valve should empty gradually. Once this valve is empty, close it completely with your wrench or hex key.

Step Five

The last thing you need to do is ensure that the valve is closed completely. You will do this when it is empty. This is especially important. You will then make sure that the compressor is de-energized. Viola, you are done!


Ensure that you are doing each process as quickly and as accurately as possible. You want this to be done safely; however, the final steps should be done quickly. It may be wise to have someone there to help you complete the final steps. This will ensure that you are being safe.

Getting Rid of Freon/Refrigerant

It is important that if you are not using the refrigerant again, you dispose of it properly. The first thing you need to do is check with the local laws and regulations. There are different ways that you can dispose of freon. However, it may differ from area to area.

The best thing you can do is call the Public Works Department in your area. They are going to be the ones who deal with this waste disposal and will be able to help you determine what you need to do. They will direct you in the right direction.

You should ensure that you do not dump this or let it go into the air.

Commonly Asked Questions About Freon and Refrigerant

We are going to look at some questions that people commonly ask when they are dealing with taking freon out of their vehicle. We want you to be able to get the refrigerant out of a vehicle with a sense of confidence. Let us look at questions people have to ask.

How Dangerous is Refrigerant/Freon?

Many people take on this task without wearing proper gear, and that results in injury. This job is something that should be taken seriously because freon is dangerous.

You will find that if there are prominent levels of this in the air, it could cause issues with breathing and even increased pulse. This happens when you inhale the product. That is why you should wear a mask.

What Proper Clothing Should I Wear to do This?

You should always make sure to wear protective clothing. This should mean protective eyewear such as goggles and gloves. You should always make sure to wear a mask or respirator when doing this. This will ensure that you are not going to be in harm's way.

It is also important to wear long-sleeved clothing and heavy clothing. You do not want this to touch your skin. It will cause severe pain.

What Happens If My Skin Comes into Contact with Freon?

If you find that your skin has encountered liquid freon, you will notice that it is extremely cold. The freon will evaporate quickly. This will cause the skin to dry out quickly. This might result in severe irritation. You will find you are going to be left with burns and frostbite.

If you find that this has occurred, make sure that you put the affected area into warm water. Ensure that it is not too hot. You are treating frostbite, not an actual burn. You will keep the area in water until the tissue is soft to the touch.

Once this occurs, you will want to wrap the area with sanitized gauze.

What is a Wrench?

If you are looking at doing the job yourself, you will need a wrench. This is a tool that may also be known as a spanner. It will be operated by your hand. It is used for the tightening of both nuts and bolts. It will also work to loosen them as well.

There will be a lever on one end to help grip the nut or bolt. Some wrenches will have two stout levers. It all depends on which one you have.

What is a Hex Key?

You will find that a hex key is also known as an Allen key. It will be used to tighten or loosen bolts or screws that have a hexagon-shaped head. This is a special key that will only work with a special bolt or screw head. A regular screwdriver will not work when a hex key is needed.


Taking the time to know how to carefully remove your refrigerant from your car is essential. This will help you better understand the process and be safer when performing the process. You will need to ensure that you wear protective gear when you take freon out of your vehicle.

We hope that you found this article helpful. We want you to be safe when you are removing refrigerant from your vehicle. It is always better to have someone there while you work on your vehicle to help you.

Plus, this person can always ensure that you are always safe as well. Thank you for reading this article, and good luck, be safe!

Check out these other articles for more insights:

5 Signs Your Car AC Is Low On Freon

Too Much Freon In A Car – What Are The Symptoms?

What Happens If You Put R134A in an R12 System?


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